Come Visit!
We’d love for you to visit our studio, located inside 78th Street Studios at 1300 West 78th Street in Cleveland, Ohio. The building is open Monday thru Saturday from 11a-5p or by scheduling an appointment with us at jen@thetapestryspool.com.
Third Friday Art Walks:
Every Third Friday of the month from 5 - 9 pm, we participate in an art walk along with over 60 fellow studios. These special events showcase new product collections, offer great conversation and the ability to meet other artists and producers in the Cleveland area.

Our studio represents a love for vintage and upcycled clothing and furniture, meant to be shared and known as a great place to meet and feel at home.

The Tapestry Spool shares a studio space with Fresh Eggs Design, an artist committed to creating space for the public to enjoy through stylish garden design.